Peoples Rx
Clay served as our Interim Marketing Director when we were in need of someone who could have their feet on the ground in our company on a daily basis. He was quickly able to clarify the roles and responsibilities of current staff and determine areas we needed to strengthen. We had been in need of a deep-dive into our system capabilities, and Clay was able to analyze what we had, how to better utilize its offerings, and improve our processes. In doing this work, he paved the way for a successful onboarding of our permanent Marketing Director, and assisted in accelerating her learning timeline and speed up our go-to-market efforts. - Stephen Erickson, CEO
The Build Group
I turn to Tuner when I have a complex branding issue to resolve — the more confusing and controversial, the better. Clay is a genius at sorting the wheat from the chafe and placing the important issues in the context of a brand story. He has helped us on a few different thorny problems, and I consider Clay to be a great counselor. He is also adept at the mechanics of branding as well: logos, taglines, design language, color palette … And he can turn on a dime and work quickly when needed on urgent projects. I recommend him to others all the time! — Klee Kleber, Co-Founder, BuildGroup
Intrepid Equity Investments
In the starting blocks of an integral growth period, Clay fine-tuned Intrepid’s core and competitive messaging. His expertise, challenging advice, candor and insight across company life-stages and industries, consistently draws us back to Tuner for refinement. We’re so grateful to be able to work with him. — Justin Day, Managing Director, Intrepid Equity Investments
INK Communications
Clay was a life-saver for me and my team, jumping into a messy client situation and helping us see the opportunity, the possibility, the big idea. It’s a rare opportunity to be able to tap into the expertise and clarity of a strategist with so much experience and talent. Clay teaches as he goes and is very generous with his knowledge and creative thinking. Whether working with him on a full campaign or a quick brainstorm, his value and contribution is unmistakable. — Kari Hernandez, President and Co-Founder, INK Communications
Door No. 3
Clay and I collaborated on an extremely complex brand positioning assignment. Global company, highly technical subject matter, somewhat disparate product and service lines, and lots of smart executives with strong opinions. He was a quick study, able to break down super heady concepts into digestible pieces. Whenever we hit a roadblock (and there were many), he’d weed-wack all the clutter and blaze a path forward with an effective client workshop. Weeks later, we delivered an incredibly beautiful and simple solution that included all new portfolio logic and a reengineered naming architecture. — Prentice Howe, Principal